Thousand Oaks Library,
1401 E. Janss Road
7:00 P.M- 8:30 P.M.
The recent controversial stripping of collective bargaining rights for state employees by Wisconsin Governor Walker has aroused nationwide attention to the dangers facing all American workers. Similar action is now being contemplated by several other states, including Ohio and New Jersey. While Wall Street bankers are again receiving record-high bonuses after being bailed out with taxpayer funds and major corporations hold trillions of dollars in profit, the American Middle Class is seeing its income and benefits shrink and its job opportunities declining as corporations continue to send jobs overseas. The Supreme Court ruling that corporations, with billions of dollars is assets, have the same rights in making political contributions as individuals makes it easier for corporations to influence elections to the disadvantage of American workers.
It is important for the American public to understand the consequences that these actions have on our workers. Our April program will focus on this urgent issue and our guest speaker will be Adrienne Denny a prominent labor leader in Ventura County. Ms Denny is a chapter chair of the Tri- Counties Central Labor Council and a high school teacher in Camarillo. Last December, she traveled to Wisconsin to speak to the state’s American Federation of Teachers leadership on how to build support for political activities in the workplace and heard their concerns about the actions that recently-elected Governor Walker was contemplating. Her informative presentation on the nation-wide problem as well as the dangers facing workers in California and Ventura County will be followed by an active discussion period that will include suggestions of what we can do at the local level to help combat the threats facing our workers
Information: (818)879-0462
The Global Exchange Ventura County Supporters is a group of people – a local community of conscience - dedicated to providing monthly public forums, supporting and working with other local organizations committed to social and economic justice, human rights and ecological sustainability, since 2003. Global Exchange,headquartered in San Francisco, is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political and social justice. Since our founding in 1988, Global Exchange has increased the U.S. public's awareness while building partnerships worldwide.